Release Date: 2nd June 2011
Language: English
Running Time: 132 mins
Genre: Action, Adventure
Director: Mathhew Vaughn
Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Jennifer Lawrence
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
X-Men First class is a prequel to the future series reavealing the origin of the X-men. It began with the hatred of Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto) towards Sebastian Shaw, who had killed Erik's mother to acccentuate his magnetic abilities. As he matured, he set off to avenge his mother's death. When he found Sebastian Shaw in Argentina, Professor Xavier, who was also in pursuit of Sebastian together with the CIA, saved his life. Thus, began the rounding up of the young mutants with the help of Cerebro, created by Hank McCoy (Beast).
5 young mutants, Raven (Mystique), Darwin, Angel, Havok, and Banshee were gathered to be trained to fight against Sebastian Shaw, together with his sidekicks, Azazel, Riptide, and Emma Frost. Their collision caused some casualties and Magneto subsequently vowed to fight against human and not with them as aspired by Professor X.
Very good summary of a long story about the founding of the xmen. superb visual effects and cast. Nothing much to say, except that the Xmen series never failed to amaze ;)
4 of 5
Friday, June 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Kung Fu Panda 2

Release Date: 26th May 2011
Language: English
Running Time: 91 mins
Genre: Animation, Adventure
Director: Jennifer Yuh
Cast: Jack Black (Po), Angelina Jolie (Tigress), Dustin Hoffman (Master Shifu), Janckie Chan (Monkey)
Distributor: Dreamworks
In Kung Fu Panda 2, Po is living his dream as the Dragon Warrior, protecting China from evil and villains alongside Master Shifu and the Furious Five (Mantis, Monkey, Crane, Tigress and Viper). This time, they had to confront Lord Shen, who was banished by his own parents from his kingdom, because he had planned to misuse the art of fireworks into explosives to conquer the world. Lord Shen was gathering metals from villages for his quest, until one day they reached the villages where Po and the gang lived. The two forces collided and fight to know which is superior between kungfu versus metallurgy.
Throughout the movie it was either awe or laughter. I couldnt recall any moment that was uninteresting. Although a sequel, the storyline actually can stand on its own, which means, you dont have to watch the first movie to enjoy this sequel. (But if you did, it'd be an advantage for you to better understand the movie) ;).
The animation was magnificent and the storyline well presented. The classic chinese drawings to tell the stories of Lord Shen and Po's first few moons of life added colour to the movie. Fighting scenes were fast and awesome, bringing out the best features of each animal characters. Po in his younger years was SUPER CUTE!
I dont even know where to begin, regarding the hilarious punchline. Laughed my heart out especially during the dragon costume scene, the soothsayer and her silk fetish, and even the wolf gang leader's dialogue with Lord Shen about the Year of the Peacock is tummy tickling.
This sequel is definitely much better than the first. Standing ovations, its a 5 of 5.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Nur Kasih - The Movie

Release Date: 19th May 2011
Language: Malay
Running Time: 94 mins
Genre: Drama
Director: Kabir Bhatia
Cast: Tiz Zaqyah, Remy Ishak, Fizz Fairuz
Distributor: Primeworks Studios
This movie is a sequel to one of the most memorable tv series Nur Kasih. Although, I personally didnt follow it through from beginning to the end, watching bits and pieces of the series were enough for me to know the gist of the story. 3 main characters, Nur Amina (Tiz Zaqyah), a pious girl who has a childhood crush on Adam (Remy Ishak), a rebel among two brothers. While Aidil (Fizz Fairuz), an obedient elder brother has feelings for Nur. When, the father of the two brothers was in his deathbed, his last wish was for Adam and Nur to be united in marriage. Adam was a changed man after.
The current movie revolved upon the 3 main character's life after marriage. Sad events fell upon them one after another, starting with the death of Aidil's wife, leaving him alone with his two children. Then it was Nur's miscarriage. At a holiday in Jordan, Adam and Nur were involved in a train accident. Nur's ring went missing and Adam was caught in a car accident whilst in search for it. Nur and Aidil frantically looked for Adam and he was found in a remote area of Jordan. Adam went to the hospital and not only did he sprained his arm and leg, he was told that his previous injury that he had in India had worsened...bomb shrapnels were encroaching his heart and he was dying.
Nur subsequently got pregnant again. Their architecture business also did not favour them. When, Adam was nearing death, he was saved by a heart donor, who was his student in his class. They lived long lives thenafter...
The first prominent feature in this movie is the cinematography which is simply magnificent especially the beautiful scenes in Jordan. The kite scene before the death of Aidil's wife is very memorable. However some shots are fairly confusing especially when all of the sudden, the camera focused on a crumpled soccer ball... The train explosion shot was also non-convincing.
Dialogues were overall superb. The argument between the Ustaz and Adam was something to ponder upon, and the mother's loving words to Adam was heartwarming. Mariam, daughter of Aidil, was also fun to watch as her dialogues added some cute comedy.
A lot of scenes were depicted in this movie should captivate and potentially bring about tears. However, i feel most things were cut short in view of limited time of a movie as compared to a tv serie. Most scenes were a touch and go material and didnt reach deep enough to grasp one's emotion. Romantic tears should be able to be shed when Adam finally found their wedding ring. Sad tears should be when the mother consoled her dying son. Tears of joy should occur when Aidil announced that there was a heart donor. But this didnt happen! For me, these are touching scenes but i dont see many teary-eyed viewers after coming out of the movie.
Kabir Bhatia, nontheless is a briliant director which never disappoint his viewers. Overall, the movie was a good watch, but it has huge potential to stir stronger emotions which it fail to deliver. Add more depth to each scenes, and people would be crying all the way...
3 of 5
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Pirates of Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides

Release Date: 19th May 2011
Language: English
Running Time: 137 mins
Genre: Action, Fantasy
Director: Rob Marshall
Cast: Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
This is the 4th serie of Pirates of the Caribbean which i vaguely can remember the former 3. I can remember Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly in few of the serie, and Davy Jones with the Flying Dutchmen, and a huge lady Monster who turn into crabs in the end...
And when i look through the net, the series were:
1. The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2. Dead Man's Chest (2006)
3. At World's End (2007)
it was more than 4 years back! No wonder i cant recall who Barbossa and Blackbeard was... I thought they were one of the undead sailors of the Flying Dutchmen who traded their souls to become sailors forever.
SO the current movie is of Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, in a journey to find the fountain of youth. It started with him trying to free an old friend from English prison and ended up getting caught. Then it was an escapade from the King, meeting up Penelope Cruz who turned out to be Blackbeard's daughter, and a race towards the fountain between the English and the Spanish, and the Pirates.
It was a mess in the beginning and blur unnecessary fight scenes...until it get to the mermaids, it got interesting. Why mermaids? Because apparently the ritual to activate the fountain of youth needs a mermaid's tears mixed with the fountain's water into two magical chalices and one who drinks the water with the mermaid's tears get the years of living from the other person who drinks from the other chalice without the mermaids tears. complicated? not so...
And thats probably just about the fascinating thing about the movie: the beautiful yet deadly mermaids plus few good lines from Jack Sparrow and his charming attitude. I thought Penelope Cruz and her spanish accent together with the swashbuckling runaway scenes were a cliche, and Penelope is not as beautiful as i remembered her to be... The rest are just background; failed to make any impact.
Id give the Movie a 2.5 of 5. without the mermaids... i think its a fail.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Another Birthday Entry
Happy Birthday to me... I just reached 30. Boohoo :(. Maybe its not time for midlife crisis, but its definitely time to mature (but deep inside i still dont want to grow up...Im a Toys R Us Kid...!!!)
Reminiscing my entries in My Thought Blog, 2005 i started writing on the meaning of gifts in my May Entry. 2006 there was not much blog entry, i guess due to the hectic schedule of internship.
2007, i entered birthday wishes in my blog which i received via sms. all 15 of them. I hid my birth date from all my social network so that ppl closest and dearest to me can remember my birthday. Today i had my wish from my significant other ;), my parents, my best of friends, and my lovely aunt. Thats good enough for me because theyre the most important in my life as well :)
2008, i recited my achievements at the tender age of 27. and what i want more in years to come. most of them unachieved to date. Travel to the seven wonders, and to local destinations e.g. Mulu and Redang. Write a novel. Proficient Mandarin. I wanted to try archery, learn to swim, to horseback ride, deep sea dive, and learn a musical instrument...preferrably a guitar. And learn to read the constellations...
I dream to start a business of my own...
2009, most of my entries are about my district posting experience and my interpersonal conflicts, and in May was when i decided to privatize my blog. I guess it was a hectic year as well, trying to achieve results for a quality project. Hence, no birthday entry.
2010, I celebrated my birthday in Paris! with macaroon cake with om and Reez. Best birthday ever at 29 :)
and this year, not many birthday wishes, but my two best friends threw a surprise party with an ice cream cake and fruit punch. with lok lok on the side. Rizal was in the picture as well cause he was around for the semester hols. 4 guys, in my house, small party, and a wii dance pad as a birthday present :)) Just what i need for my weight reduction and just the perfect birthday with close friends :)
Currently, in Masters Programme, i will reduce my aim. In years to come, i would just concentrate on excelling in this field, trying to be a better Muslim, Weight Reduction, Mandarin, Guitar and Swim. I will put my novel writing and business on hold and forget about horseback riding, archery and deep sea diving activity. Constellations... maybe as extra when all the important ones has been achieved.
Today, dinner with my sister, and watch the premier of Pirates of the Caribbean.
Tomorrow, is results day. and my future plans depend on it...*sigh*
Friday, March 25, 2011
...dalam botol

Release Date: 24th March 2011
Language: Malay
Running Time: 90 mins
Genre: Drama
Director: Khir Rahman
Cast: Arja Lee, Wan Raja, Normah Damanhuri, Diana Danielle, Fauziah Ahmad Daud
Distributor: MIG Productions
I don't even know why I agreed being dragged (pun intended) to this movie, without any idea what it was in the first place. I know it was sensationalized, when the original title was changed from Anu Dalam Botol to ...dalam botol. I thought it was a horror movie involving Jenglot or some other ghosts...
Storyline: Boy meets boy, boy loves boy, boy decided to have a sex change, repented and eventually meets girl. And this was annouced to be based on a real-life story.
This movie opens up a new perspective for Malaysian Film industry, and for that the producers should receive a pat on the back for being daring. Apart from that, and the fact that the female actors were excellent (even in a crappy movie) I dont have much good to say about this movie.
They are trying so much to make the movie artistic, that it lost substance and flow. The end product is not artistic at all! Picture quality and editing is below average. Script is bad, lead actors have lack of feel. And the list of bad remarks goes on...
I had the feeling to get out of the movie theatre even in the first ten minutes of the movie...
*0 of 5*
However, it is fun to watch these audition videos...
Ady Putra
Arja Lee
Clearly they've chosen the perfect actor for this. But nontheless...overall, its not worth watching even if you get free tix.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
World Invasion : Battle Los Angeles

Release Date: 17th March 2011 (Malaysia)
Language: English
Running Time: 116 mins
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi
Director: Jonathan Liebesman
Cast: Aaron Eckhart, Jonathan Rodriguez, Michelle Rodriguez
Distributor: Columbia Pictures
The story centers around Staff Sergeant Nantz, and his platoon, who were ordered to advance towards downtown LA to save civilians hiding in a police station in the midst of an alien colonization. That occupied two third of the story. And the rest of it showed how this platoon heroically destroyed the alien command centre and brought mankind to victory.
Did I make it sound boring? It is a movie with a predictable ending. But generally, this movie is fantastic to watch. It is a crossbreed of black hawk down, or saving private ryan, and the day after tomorrow. (maybe comparing this movie to the day after tomorrow is a bit degrading but i couldnt think now a closer knit genre). If you love the above films, you wont regret every cents spent on your tix, popcorn and ice lemon tea.
Non-stop action till the end. Superb war shots. And these are some memorable scenes and its adversaries.
Memorable scenes
1. Surreal war shots
2. Beautiful night shot of devastated Los Angeles on Fire
Scenes to improvise
1. The sewage scenes are too short and abrupt. They found the command centre too easily
2. The aliens looked like mere exoskeletons and there's no closeup glimpse on them
But it was a fun watch which kept us at the edge of our seats. My friend who's well known to doze off in the plush comfort of the cinema seats, didnt sleep on this one. And thats a compliment! ;)
*3.5 of 5*
Saturday, March 19, 2011
6 Mistakes That Keep You Fat

In the anticipation of contemplating my post-exam weight-reduction regime, this tip (courtesy from Men's Health Magazine) might be useful coz i think these are the very same mistakes that i personally did, and is currently doing still...:(
1. Skipping Meals/Snacks
- Reason : brain activity is needed to regulate yourself and skipping meal deprive glucose for brain to work.
- Action : Spread Calories between 3 meals of 500kCal, and 2 snacks of 100kCal. dont restrict yourself from eating, merely change your eating regime.
2. Speed Eating
- Reason : need to allow some time, so that you dont keep eating when youre full
- Action : Slow down, eat like a Frenchmen...
3. Weekend Feast
- Reason : Palmitic acid in saturated fat can inhibit leptin, a hormone that regulate appetite. Effect of pigging from friday - sunday can have effect till Monday
- Action : Have only one cheat day and not the whole weekend coz you'll be leptin deficient for the following few days...
4. Gorging on Salty Snacks
- Reason : Sodium causes us to eat unconsciously
- Action : goodbye Mr Potato, goodbye popcorn :((
5. Alcohol Drinking
- Reason : lots of calories in beer, and booze undermines your willpower
- Action : None needed coz im a teetotaler :)
6. Eating in front of the tv, and then dozing off
- Reason : You ingest calories but burning none
- Action : I dont watch tv too much, so i guess its not much of a problem
And so, I'm settled with 2 of 4 tips...so which one should i attack next?
And to add exercise in the program...either gymming, jogging, or wii exercise? Which one is more alluring?
I have 2 months left to decide ;)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Big shot cheesy pops
It's a new dish on the block from Pizza Hut Malaysia, featuring double-layered cheese stuffed crust and tempura king prawns atop a moist chicken pizza. The promo started since March 10th.
Had a taste of it in Pizza Hut bandar Baru Nilai 13032011. These are the review of each of the menu's segments.
The crust: easily eaten as finger food. Similar gummy-cheesy texture as previous stuffed crust but somehow less queasying even though it has similar amount of crust and stuffing in view of it's two layers.
The tempura: So-so. Edible. Fresh prawns but not succulent enough, slightly on the dry side.
Pizza: basic pizza of chicken, vegetables and cheese. However, taste differed from it's other companions because it has a thin base with a thick spread of sweet mayo. Perfect combination especially for mayo lovers.
Price: Ala carte. Rm27.90 regular, rm37.90 large.
It's a must try, and probably one of the best combination of salt, sugar and fat ever concocted by pizza hut. As Fran the Nanny always say its good for the lips yet bad for the hips! (Probably better to eat for lunch rather than dinner ;))
*3.5 of 5*
P/s would've been perfect if the tempura was as succulent as advertised...
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa

Release Date: 10th March 2011
Language: Malay/English
Running Time: 110 mins
Genre: Action
Director: Yusry Abdul Halim
Cast: Jing Lu, Stephen Rahman Hughes, Khir Rahman, Ummi Nazeera, Dato Rahim Razali.
Local Distributor: Kru Films
***Disclaimer : Movie spoiler ahead
Watched Hikayat Merong mahawangsa 10032011.
It is an epic of Merong Mahawangsa, an outcast sea captain known to be a descendent of Alexander the Great, enthroned King of Langkasuka after a journey to the Golden Chersones to unite the Prince of Rome and Princess of China in the hand of marriage. Their ceremony was abbreviated by the attack of a pirate pack called Geruda, led by an invincible barbarian, Kemawas, alongside a powerful witchdoctor named Taji. The Princess of China was kidnapped for ransom by the Gerudas and Merong was badly wounded in the gruesome battle. A local shaman, Pak Kesum, healed his wounds and prophecised his reign and role in defeating the Gerudas. With the help of the Chinese and Roman army, Merong is able to free the nation from Gerudas in the expense of his own life.
This movie shall be distributed to 72 countries worldwide entitled The Malay Chronicles : Bloodlines, which i think has a clinch and prospect of producing The Malay Chronicles 2. Kudos for the producers, casts, art directors and the whole crew for making a movie, which i think is at par with international standards.
Impressive CGI, outstanding cinematography, good casting... with subtle element of comedy within. Several weakpoints and errors, but overall, it was an astounding movie.
Weak points would be the lead actor not being fluent in Malay but he is much better as compared to his feature in Puteri Gunung Ledang. Certain dialogues and scenes also can be done without. These are some of the memorable scenes and dialogues in the movie as well as those that...mmm...sucked.
Memorable scenes :
-Mass fighting scenes. A bit more upgrade and itll be as good as the scenes in the Gladiator
-Gory scenes of axe on head, and slashing of neck
-Princess bathtub scene
-handmaiden playing dead ;))
Scenes to do without :
-Hugging scene of two Malay warriors before being overwhelmed by the Gerudas
-Prince of Rome *feeling2 superman
-Long-winded speech by stephen rahman hughes, when he couldnt fluently pronounce them.
-Princess of China informing the world that she had taken off Kemawas' talisman
Memorable dialogues :
-Handmaiden : muscular, tall... youll get strong sons from this one. younger, not so muscular, youll get beatiful daughters from this one :))
-Maybe its my uncle, merong mahasuasa
Dialogues to do without:
-apa salahnya mengintai di bawah tudung saji
-pintu pagar telah terbuka, manakan boleh ditahan airnya (which i felt a bit Xrated)
Last but not least, i dont think that Malay farmers and fisherman of the past are THAT scrawny...
Standing ovation to the supporting role of the handmaiden who is amazingly entertaining. (I just learnt that her name is Nell Ng)
*4 of 5*
FenestraZ - Windows to My World
My days of blogging began way back in 2005 when i posted my very first article on May 14th, entitled "Meaning of Gifts". It was made public, and further posts received comments and critics. As days go by, life stories emerged and involved surrounding souls. Although depicted with anonimity, unwanted conflicts ensued and "My Thought Blog" was made private until date.
I still blog my life stories in it, clammed up like a virtual diary, to reminisce and learn from previous experiences. After more than 5 years now, republishing "My Thought Blog" seem equivalent to revealing a Pandora's Box. Instead, I decided to create FenestraZ, for onlookers to peep into my world for issues worth sharing.
Thus, the journey begins...
My days of blogging began way back in 2005 when i posted my very first article on May 14th, entitled "Meaning of Gifts". It was made public, and further posts received comments and critics. As days go by, life stories emerged and involved surrounding souls. Although depicted with anonimity, unwanted conflicts ensued and "My Thought Blog" was made private until date.
I still blog my life stories in it, clammed up like a virtual diary, to reminisce and learn from previous experiences. After more than 5 years now, republishing "My Thought Blog" seem equivalent to revealing a Pandora's Box. Instead, I decided to create FenestraZ, for onlookers to peep into my world for issues worth sharing.
Thus, the journey begins...
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